Join this course to learn the most effective way to prepare and submit Form 8821 (Tax Information Authorization) and Form 2848 (Power of Attorney) to successfully access your taxpayer’s IRS records. Currently, gaining access to taxpayer records is constrained by the overburdened Central Authorized File (CAF) unit, frequently resulting in processing delays & failures. Using our recommended methods, techniques, and best practices will result in a 95% submission success rate.
Evaluate the difference between the two forms and the best circumstances to use each
Outline the requirements for properly completing each form, including templates provided to attendees
Determine the different submission methods for forms 8821 & 2848, including best practices for successful processing
Tax Mentor
[email protected]
Roger is considered the foremost authority on all things involving e-services and IRS transcripts since pioneering the IRS transcript analysis industry a decade ago launching Tax Help Software. Roger is a national speaker on tax industry best practices and consults with some of the largest tax software companies, accounting firms, tax resolution firms, and the IRS.